Forget Black Friday - We Have Discounts ALL Week!
Over the weekend we had a think about what discounts we could offer this 'Black' Friday. Then, we thought we could turn it into 'Black Ebony Friday' with discounts on one of our most popular colours. And THEN we thought, hang on... why not offer discounts on more colours? All week?
So, it gives us great pleasure to declare today as - drum roll please - Medium Oak Monday!! Until midnight tonight we're offering 20% discount on all sizes of our Medium Oak wood dye. Simple enter the code MOM2017 at checkout. To continue the coloured discount theme, we'll be rolling out the following discounts for the rest of the week:
Medium Oak Monday - MOM2017
Pale Terracotta Tuesday - PTT2017
Wood Dye Wednesday - WDW2017 (all colours!)
Tardis'h Blue Thursday - TBT2017
Black Ebony Friday - BEF2017
Have you used our products on your project? Don't forget to share your photos with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest and we'll share them with the world!
*These discounts have now expired.